Early testing shows that A $500 The app is currently being evaluated for further testing at the &Rob 2014-05-08
Miraculous Coconut Oil | alive 50 years ago coconut oil was sold in solid form, in bars like bakers' chocolate wrapped in paper. The oil had to be hydrogenated to keep it hard (coconut oil is liquid at room temperature). The processes of hydrogenation or partial hydrogenation added hydrogen to the edible oil to not only raise its melting point (so that the oil is solid at room temperature) but also to increase its shelf life. &neo 2015-02-21
Unusual News - Online Merchant Charges Customer $3,500 for Writing This reads like a theoretical case of escalation, however one should not be surprised that such fine-print is actually enforced. Can it be concluded that this is part of KlearGear's business model? If it wasn't wouldn't they try to make it very clear that any actions that negatively impact KlearGear are not permitted and penalties strictly enforced? &Rob 2013-11-27
Unusual News - Online Merchant her action left her liable for $3,500—the amount KlearGear charges any customer who agrees to the site’s terms and conditions, which included for a time the Non- &neo 2013-11-27
&Rob 2019-10-01
The New View over Atlantis: John F. Michell: 9780500273128: Amazon.com: Books &neo 2017-08-01
Soeks Defender: Amazon.com: Home Improvement Can anybody tell me if &Rob 2014-01-14
The Odessa The City of They quickly became the preferred hideout of rebels, criminals, and eccentrics. During WWII although the Soviets had been forced out of the city they left behind dozens of soviet-organized Ukrainian rebel groups hidden below the city in the expansive catacombs. &Rob 2014-03-07
For more than 500 years this was the main hospital in &Rob 2015-01-29
At this point anything going on with &zerotoinfinity 2013-09-11
This bogus 'study' claims that ..They estimate that a 2C (3.6F) rise in global temperature could see personal crimes increase by about 15%, and group conflicts rise by more than 50% in some regions. &SuspexciousObserver 2013-08-04
Hidden heart cake - great for Valentine's day Only take 50m to make and 2h:30m to cook :-) &Rob 2014-02-14
Mt.Gox BTC/USD Charts - Crazy bitcoin action today down almost 50% from recent record highs. &neo 2013-12-07
38-Foot-Tall Agave Plant Begins Death Blossom At Garfield Park Conservatory After More Tha 38-Foot-Tall &neo 2019-08-25
Key &neo 2013-11-03
You could own Banksy's SWAT Van / Boing Boing &neo 2016-06-24
US Patent Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants 6,630,507 &420Guy 2013-08-02
A painting of Mickey Mouse by Damien Hirst has raised £902,500 for a children’s charity. Hirst, donated all the proceeds from the auctioning of the artwork to Kids Company. His depiction of the iconic Disney character was expected to fetch £300,000 but went for triple that. Kids Company gives support to vulnerable &Rob 2014-02-18
Hanes using Twitter to reach 50+ women ...To participate, fans tweet a color with the hashtag &Brad 2013-08-13
$5000 to feel &AaronHolthaus 2013-10-04
The incident occurred at about 2:50 p.m. in the 3500 block of South Ocean Front Walk, according to LAFD spokeswoman Lightning was also being blamed for igniting several &Rob 2014-07-27
For those of you who still have any doubts as to the miraculous healing powers of cannabis and THC Oil or do not believe that there is an ongoing international effort dead set on keeping this free and 100% organic medicine, along with all organic foods, supplements, and natural medicines from a diseased and dying global population... I am about to BLOW YOUR MINDS...... On October 7, 2003 The United States Government as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services was granted a U.S. Patent ( &420Guy 2013-08-02
Simply small: At over 500 square feet, the house’s green roof may be its most powerful. Water from the roof feeds the toilet and the garden’s watering system, and the garden itself insulates the house and keeps gas bills low in winter. It also means there’s no need for any artificial cooling in the summer. &Rob 2014-02-18
Paris bans 50% of the cars with a french lic. plate & includes free subway rides and bikes The last time it came to these measures was 17 years ago. Earlier this month the government began by trying to encourage Parisians and those in the nearby suburbs to use their cars and motorbikes less often. The city’s extensive public-transport network was made free from March 14th, and extra trains were put into circulation. The speed limit was also reduced on certain roads. A more drastic attempt to enforce a reduction in car use came into place today, and will be continued tomorrow if necessary by allowing cars and motorbikes with even-numbered registration plates on the roads. Some 700 policemen were manning 60 control points around the capital to enforce the ban, the breach of which carries a €22 ($30) fine. &Rob 2014-03-17
Hey man, root canals for $250 ! Dentist educated at Harvard ! &RonS 2013-08-03
In 1950 &neo 2013-09-20
The continuous problems with &Rob 2013-09-18
The &neo 2013-09-19
Meet Hieronymus Bosch was born Jheronimus in a city called 's-Hertogenbosch, which is commonly called "Den Bosch". Little is known of &Rob 2014-02-19
So, &neo 2013-09-12
&neo 2013-09-04
&neo 2013-08-20
Chinese Southern Airlines jet flew through North Korean rocket fire A China Southern flight CZ628, operating as a code-share with Japan Airlines Co. (9201) as flight JL5021, was headed to Shenyang, China from Narita airport in Japan when North Korea fired the missile at 4:17 p.m. yesterday, South Korean Defense Ministry spokesman Kim Min Seok said today by phone. The jet was over international water at an altitude of 10 kilometers (32,800 feet) at 4:24 p.m. when it crossed the trajectory of the missile, which reached a height of 20 kilometers, Kim said. &Rob 2014-03-05
Scent producing TVs: "Listen, do you smell something?" will become a reality... one day The basis for the the &Rob 2014-03-19
Apple to pay up to $500 million to settle U.S. lawsuit over slow iPhones Apple Inc has agreed to pay up to $500 million to settle litigation accusing it of quietly slowing down older iPhones as it launched new models, to induce owners to buy replacement phones or batteries. and they pay only $25 per phone..and none of the criminals go to jail. Just the cost of doing business. Shows how much Apple cares about early adopters. Pure Evil. &neo 2020-03-02
A Sommelier Turns Mezcal Maker - Food Republic &neo 2019-08-26
Apple's iBeacon And The Future Of Mobile Shopping, surprising numbers on in store use Chesnut studied 500 different connected shoppers, volunteers all, to find out how many are using &Rob 2014-02-13
$350m for MoPub acquisition. &neo 2013-09-12
'Polar vortex' set to bring dangerous, record-breaking cold to much of US | Fox News &AaronHolthaus 2014-01-05
Some tips on how to get compensated for introductions as a 'money finder'. It looks like you will need to be registered as a broker in order to play this game legally. However, there are some circumstances where a finder-consultant is not required to register as a broker, you just must take extreme care to ensure that the finder's activities are limited so that he or she is not functioning as an unlicensed broker. Finders can avoid registering as a broker by limiting to: - merely introducing prospective investors to a company without engaging in negotiations; -not recommending the company's securities to prospective investors; -and basing their compensation on a flat fee that is not contingent on the closing of a securities sale (for example, the finder gets a fee of $50,000 for making the introduction to an investor, regardless of whether the investor purchases shares or not). &Rob 2014-05-08
Design Shanghai is the premier showcase in China today. More than 150 brands are presented Date: Thursday, February 27, 2014 to Sunday, March 2, 2014 Design brands including &Rob 2014-02-19
&neo 2013-11-26
According to the US Department of Transportation, there are about 5,800 train-car crashes each year in the United States, most of which occur at railroad crossings. These accidents cause 600 deaths and injure about 2,300. More than 50% of all deadly accidents happen at crossings with inadequate safety devices. In the day time, about 75% of car and train collisions involve the train hitting the car. At night, about 50% of the time, the car runs into the train at an inadequately marked crossing. The lesson here is to drive safe and expect the unexpected at train crossings. Train Accident Statistics Every 90 minutes there is a train collision or derailment. http://www.mcaleerlaw.com/what-we-do/train-accident-statistics &Rob 2013-08-06
The Theory of the 100th Monkey | Greatapetrust.org In the 1950's biologists and anthropologists were studying the behavior of a species of monkeys that live on some of the outlying islands around Japan. They placed a Sweet Potato in the sand and watched the younger monkey's wash them and take them to their parents to eat. &neo 2018-11-13
flights are typically out of LAX for around $850-$1000 & 2013-08-04
Exclusive: Koenigsegg One:1 Ultracar to Debut at Geneva Motor Show 2014 Computer simulations suggest the One:1 could sprint to beyond 450 km/h which is just shy of 280 mph. &neo 2014-01-31
19594_20150309-01-ethiopia_yirga_cheffe_gedeo__1_303f_rao.png (800~A-714) &neo 2018-02-07
&neo 2018-11-15
50% deals! &hotels.com 2013-07-26
Great &Rob 2013-10-22
potentially limit characters to post? well over 140.. 500 maybe? should we prevent huge walls of text? &zerotoinfinity 2013-09-14
International Coffee Organization - Improving Quality The &neo 2018-04-09
&neo 2016-12-15
&neo 2013-08-24
Costa Rica SHB EP . InterAmerican Coffee &neo 2018-12-17
&Rob 2014-01-31
Support the movie The movie looks very promising and is packed with indie loving actors, actresses and As of now: 1,103 backers $89,688 pledged of $100,000 goal Still 12 days to go They are planning to be in 50 markets, but the more money they raise the more theaters they can be in, so if they go over $100k, they'll just expand their plans. &Rob 2015-01-22
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition is an international 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization of criminal justice professionals who bear personal witness to the wasteful futility and harms of our current drug policies. &neo 2013-12-05
50 Sensor applications for a smarter world The array of &Rob 2014-03-07
1,500-Year-Old Antarctic Moss Brought Back to Life after being frozen. The moss comes from Signy Island, a small, glacier-covered island in the Drake Passage offshore of the Antarctic Peninsula. The researchers carbon-dated the different layers, which provided an age estimate for revived moss shoots. The oldest &Rob 2014-03-17
when the price drops under $150 we should get 9 and make an art piece. &Rob 2013-07-31
What are So the other day I'm in the Pet Food Shop and they introduce me to a new food with &neo 2013-11-13
&Rob 2013-09-20
Buy Dixon Valve 13MHHM250, 2.5" Stainless Single Pin Heavy Duty Clamp - MegaDepot &neo 2017-05-21
Buy Dixon Valve B3114MP-R250200, 2-1/2 X 2 Clamp Concentric Reducer - MegaDepot &neo 2017-05-21
"Plants on the earth rooted in the soil, under the command of gravity. Roots, soil and gravity-by giving up the links to life, what kind of 'beauty' shall be born? Within the harsh 'nature,' at an altitude of 30,000 meters and minus 50 degrees Celsius, the plants evolve into EXOBIOTA (extraterrestrial life). A pine tree confronting the ridge line of the Earth. A bouquet of flowers marching towards the sun hit by the intense wind. Freed from everything, the plants shall head to the space." &Rob 2014-07-23
5 gal Long Life Oil ----COCONUT with Tocotrienols - Nature's Approved &neo 2015-03-02
Beautiful $50B USD and seven years, can we expect cirque de soleil? &Rob 2014-02-07
Ah this sucks here. Busting people for drugs at &zerotoinfinity 2013-09-14
Can giant 1000ft walls block The idea is to build three walls: one in North Dakota, one on the border of Kansas and Oklahoma and one in southern Texas and Louisiana. Each wall would be about 1,000 feet high and 150 feet thick. &Rob 2014-02-27
This Is What American Parties Look Like Around The World The red plastic cups are a great touch to really create that American feeling. I wonder what music is favored or if Jerry Springer plays on TV in the background? There is actually a store in Europe that is called America Today. You will find frosted flakes right next to some 501s in a country style shabby chique boutique style setting. 40 Gallon hat anybody? &Rob 2014-03-07
&Rob 2016-01-21
Bad day for the big The massive loss of bitcoins had been rumored all week. Due to the currency's encryption technology, it might be difficult, if not impossible, for the stolen bitcoins to be restored to their owners' accounts, leaving people across the globe with significant losses. &Rob 2014-02-28
Nike HyperAdapt 1.0 the seven hundred dollar shoe that is available for $2,500 Designed by &Rob 2017-02-13
Uruguay and Chile were twinned as the two most peaceful in Latin America while Bhutan took top honors in South Asia. Many historians see warfare as an "inescapable and integral aspect of human history." Prolific author on international relations Conway W. Henderson writes that 14,000 wars have taken place between 3,500 B.C. and the late 20th century, costing 3.5 billion lives (half of today's world population), leaving only 300 years of peace. Let's not be deceived by this...we live in a modern war economy where it is a fundamental part of our reality by design. &neo 2013-08-23
At 91 meters and 650 rooms it will beat the current largest What's remarkable is the addition of a TV studio and the ambitions of a After 15 years of lobbying.... &Rob 2015-04-29
&neo 2015-03-17
rices for the 39 &Rob 2015-10-02
2,500 wait...our government told the first responders that the air was safe to breath. They never lie to us so where did all this cancer come from ? &neo 2014-07-28
Should Post Modern Architecture, at the 50-Year Mark, Be Saved? Since opening in 1941, the &Rob 2018-11-30
&neo 2013-08-29
Night view of the parking lot. &Rob 2013-12-04
&neo 2013-12-25
The deal is made up of $4 billion in cash and $12 billion in stock, and will give Facebook access to the 450 million people using the WhatsApp service monthly. WhatsApp will also garner Facebook's huge amount of resources, including its large cash backing, numerous employees and engineers, and infrastructure to grow. "WhatsApp is on a path to connect 1 billion people," &Rob 2014-02-19
Behind Skybox, Google's Big Satellite Play | Re/code "Obviate the data middleman" said Tyler Bell, VP of product at the location data company Factual The cost to be able to Obviate? $500M&Rob 2014-06-11
Sea & Smoke decides to shoot some sort of promo with bright lights on Friday evening What a bunch of bull to charge $17.50 for champagne when you have to deal with some clumsy filmmakers. &Rob 2015-05-02
SHILAJIT is the premium substance for building Qi and to increase the potency of your spinal fluid. Shilajit contains over 85 minerals in ionic form including humic acid and fulvic acid. Harvested in Ladakh at elevations of over 3000 meters, the raw substance is processed through an elaborate series of Ayurvedic stages to produce the pure elixir found here. FORMULA: Pure Shilajit prepared with traditional Ayurvedic processes FORMAT: Dispersed shards of black crystalline shape in plastic container QUANTITY: 15 Gram, 30 Gram, and 50 Gram Bottles SUGGESTED USE: 1 peppercorn size amount in the morning or before workout. Do not exceed 2 peppercorns per day. For maximum absorption allow to dissolve in warm liquid first and then ingest. &neo 2017-08-30
The &Rob 2013-11-03
The new &neo 2013-10-29
&neo 2013-09-12
RED ALERT: World's biggest the 2010 &neo 2014-07-28
How old is the earth, if we consider the Big Bang is getting more and more scientific fact The earth is 4.54 billion years old, with an error range of 50 million years, but if these How does &Rob 2014-03-24
U.S. Government Eases Restrictions on DigitalGlobe Just after the announcement that Google bought a Satellite company. The image resolution has been increased from 50-centimeter imagery, that can distinguish objects of that size or larger. DigitalGlobe's planned WorldView-3 satellite, which will feature a ground sampling distance of 31 centimeters, is slated for launch Aug. 13 or 14 from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, the company said. For that satellite, "updated approvals" will permit DigitalGlobe to sell black-and-white images with 25-centimeter resolution, along with color images at 1-meter resolution, to all customers six months after it is declared operational. &Rob 2014-06-11
50+ 'Arrested Development' Jokes You Probably Missed, in any event worth checking out. Read up on GOB, Top Banana, Shock and Aww, Justice is blind, Queen for a day, Burning love, Motherboy and many more. &Rob 2014-03-03
&neo 2016-11-23
How much is this worth? Slick New Wave BY SHEPARD FAIREY ~ HAND SIGNED and NUMBERED ~ EDITION OF 450 24" x 18" &Rob 2014-03-04
Paris, 2050: The Smog-Eating Smart City of the Future? | The Creators Project The real question is, will there still be &DianaPrince 2015-02-09
150,000 year old pipes raises questions in China and creates a place of mystery can it be built by &Rob 2014-08-21
In a mysterious pyramid in China's Qinghai Province near Mount Baigong are three caves filled with pipes leading to a nearby salt-water lake. There are also pipes under the lake bed and on the shore. The iron pipes range in size, with some smaller than a toothpick. The strangest part is that they may be about 150,000 years old. &neo 2014-08-01
A rarely signed Le Moulin de la Galette depicts a Van Gogh painted the work in April &Rob 2014-03-04
Are the robots about to rise? Google's new director of engineering thinks so. It's hard to know where to start with Google's new director Kurzweil's theories have a habit of coming true. And, while he's been a successful technologist and entrepreneur and invented devices that have changed our world – the first flatbed scanner, the first computer program that could recognise a typeface, the first text-to-speech synthesizer and dozens more – and has been an important and influential advocate of artificial intelligence and what it will mean, he has also always been a lone voice in, if not quite a wilderness, then in something other than the mainstream. With the fact that he believes that he has a good chance of living for ever? He just has to stay alive "long enough" to be around for when the great life-extending technologies kick in (he's 66 and he believes that "some of the baby-boomers will make it through"). &Rob 2014-02-24
British army creates team of Facebook warriors | UK news | The Guardian The British army is creating a special force of Facebook warriors, skilled in psychological operations and use of social media to engage in unconventional warfare in the information age. The 77th Brigade, to be based in Hermitage, near Newbury, in Berkshire, will be about 1,500-strong and formed of units drawn from across the army. It will formally come into being in April. The brigade will be responsible for what is described as non-lethal warfare. Both the Israeli and US army already engage heavily in psychological operations. &neo 2016-01-20
Cadence said the drug had estimated sales $110.5 million in 2013, more than double the $50.1 million in 2012. That number is expected to grow further since the drug only recently won approval for use in Canada. &Rob 2014-02-11
141 S Granados Avenue, Solana Beach CA 141 S Granados Avenue, Solana Beach CA Cool contemporary designed by well known architect &Rob 2014-01-15
Supverse on Twitter I know... nothing to see here, but in any case: Supver.se reaches 250 tweets! &Rob 2014-03-05
&Rob 2013-09-18
The Construction began in 1969 and finished in 1972, oversee by its &Rob 2014-01-23
Brussels This commercial Brussels waffle maker is your answer to perfectly baked Brussels waffles. The Cast Iron heating plates ensure a perfect baking result time after time. The device is available on 220-250volt or 110-115volt. This professional waffle maker is specially designed for the professional waffle baker. Uncoated cast iron baking plates. Waffle Grid Layout : 2 waffles 3x5 Stainless steel base Stainless steel drip tray Countdown timer with alarm Digital temperature display in Celcius/Fahrenheit Production counter Hours of operation counter Fixed mounted baking plates On/Off switch Thermostat Pilot light Height adjustable feet &neo 2016-10-07
Glad to see Verve up on here, Jaybird! Part of the beauty of this product, and also of this business is the simplicity. I think we all can appreciate that! My professional background is one where calculating risk and possibilities is paramount. Here's the bullet points of what I see with &TheCardDoc 2013-08-30
The iPhone 5s or iphone 5c are available from Virgin Mobile. Get a no contract plan with unlimited data and messaging. Virgin Mobile also carries the iPhone 4S, iPhone 4 and more! |Virgin Mobile USA It's still $600 . I just purchased a nice &neo 2014-01-30
This is getting ridiculous. The &neo 2014-02-10
The Q San Diego Condos by The Q is located at 750 Fir in San Diego in a district referred to as &Rob 2014-02-23
ok ok...I had problems here in both chrome and ff ... http://wellnessmama.com/3650/remineralize-teeth/ &neo 2015-03-16
Champagne Label Information &neo 2018-11-28
U.S. High-school history teachers nationwide will give their top students a dark retelling of U.S. history this fall, courtesy of the &neo 2014-08-04
BeatlesYellowSubmarine.jpg (1050~A-915) &neo 2015-10-17
How Is the problem with the rise in the big C actually due to the disabling of fungus killing enzymes in fresh fruit because of the over use of &neo 2016-10-09
&neo 2014-08-09
The So this is what happened to season 3 and the $50 million contract ... &neo 2015-12-21
Marco Parisi plays Prince's "Purple Rain" on the Seaboard RISE The &Rob 2017-06-15
Wanhao Duplicator 6 Review - YouTube I'm a new duplicator 6 owner and I confirm that the stock cooling sucks very hard. personally I have changed the stock fan with a 24v 50mm blower with a nozzle cooler of my own and now , it works soo great !! but yeah it's a shame that designers didn't realize that their cooling was useless .. especially for a printer that expensive."i>>? &neo 2017-12-09
&neo 2013-09-23
&neo 2015-06-13
&neo 2013-09-01
Japanese capture-the-flag game look-a-like is focused on lower-the-pole Bo-Taoshi is a [edited from Wiki] &Rob 2014-08-06
What is the solution? There are too many people. If we set a world wide speed limit of 50mph there will be waaaay fewer deaths.... &zerotoinfinity 2013-08-16
Madeleine Albright - 60 Minutes - YouTube &neo 2013-11-24
They don't make 'em like they used to. Put an 1800 steam powered tractor up against a new &neo 2014-05-19
The Boxed Haus Two-Story &neo 2016-09-09
Giant These precision cut &neo 2014-03-24
Rolling Stones 1978 Some Girls 1999 Remastered full album - YouTube 01 00:00 "Miss You" (Jagger/Richards) 02 04:44 "When the Whip Comes Down" (Jagger/Richards) 03 09:03 "Just My Imagination (Running Away with Me)" (Norman Whitfield/Barrett Strong) 04 13:26 "Some Girls" (Jagger/Richards) 05 17:58 "Lies" (Jagger/Richards) 06 20:45 "Far Away Eyes" (Jagger/Richards) 07 25:08 "Respectable" (Jagger/Richards) 08 28:15 "Before They Make Me Run" (Jagger/Richards) 09 31:32 "Beast of Burden" (Jagger/Richards) 10 35:53 "Shattered" (Jagger/Richards) strange repetitions and cuts 11 39:28 12 39:39 "Far Away Eyes" 13 44:02 "Respectable" 14 47:09 "Before They Make Me Run" 15 50:26 "Beast of Burden" [interrupted] 16 53:13 "When the Whip Comes Down" [final section] 17 55:24 "Just My Imagination (Running Away with Me)" 18 59:47 "Some Girls" [interrupted] 19 1:00:05 "Miss You" 20 1:04:49 "When the Whip Comes Down" [interrupted] 21 1:06:57 "Some Girls" [final section] 22 1:11:11 "Lies" [interrupted]"i>>? &neo 2017-09-07
From the comments section: Stick to &neo 2017-06-10
This looks like an incredible tool, especially when you can call it Only hours left if you would like to support the &Rob 2014-02-20
But... how are we going to build this DIY kit if Great presentation at the end, if you are strapped for time, skip towards 2:50. &Rob 2015-04-30
&neo 2016-04-12
's-Hertogenbosch - or If you are intrigued by &Rob 2014-03-03