Apple adding ability to track what you do inside retail apps to serve targeted advertising Mixing physical data with online behavior. &Rob 2014-10-16
Ars Electronica A construction consisting of steel and glass connects the existing Ars Electronica Center with the main and supply building. The partly transparent and partly translucent glass surfaces can be illuminated from behind. During the day, skylight windows, which can be opened, serve as a natural ventilation for the offices lying behind. The cube, composed of a double shell facade, can be used optional as a &Rob 2013-12-03
&neo 2015-03-01
IIS7 &neo 2015-03-01
Aluminum tube closing machine for A manual &Rob 2015-02-22
Small nudges can make a big difference: use &Rob 2014-06-25
Guide to Bluetooth LE ( overview of Accent Advanced Systems AIRCable USB Dongle BlueCats BlueSense Networks Estimote GeLo GemTot Gimbal by Qualcomm Kontakt Laird Rad Beacon Radius Virtual Beacons Sensorberg Sonic Notify Stick N?Find &Rob 2014-05-05
New all black &Rob 2015-03-02
Bought some natural &Rob 2015-03-01
A design essay of 3.4 fl oz tubes, featuring the specific flavor profiles. &Rob 2015-03-01
This The grey background represents the aluminum background. &Rob 2015-02-28
Recently his girlfriend to &neo 2014-07-16
&neo 2015-03-01
&neo 2013-10-17
&Rob 2018-01-31
Attention educators thinking of purchasing this for your students. I recommend you look inside to see if this is actually the story you want your students to absorb. It is not based in fact and is merely the opinion of the author who is obviously not a student of history and doesn't mind playing fast and loose with the truth. &neo 2013-09-04
Sarsaparilla Root (Tu Fu Ling) | Chinese Herbs Healing &Jeffq 2019-08-24
The gut-skin connection: how altered gut function affects the skin | Chris Kresser &neo 2018-11-29
A&M study finds They found that the animals all flex their wing, tail or fin within a "magic range" of 30 to 60 degrees, and they all bend just 30% of whatever their relevant &neo 2014-02-27
&neo 2013-11-03
With US public support for a Syrian strike under 10% and no allies in the world ready to go in with Obama let's hope that they don't think they need to create a &neo 2013-08-30
&zerotoinfinity 2013-08-27
House Boz by As implicated in the description this house could have been part of the &Rob 2014-03-09
The Court of the Dead - Rise. Conquer. Rule.(R) Mourners, heed these words! &neo 2018-04-07
&zerotoinfinity 2013-08-25
&neo 2013-10-29
Here is a &neo 2014-02-27
&neo 2013-10-01
Dear &neo 2015-02-17
Google Click and learn more about how serious this company is regarding &Rob 2014-05-27
&neo 2013-10-07
Found footage is an approach to film making in which all or a substantial part of a fictional film is presented as if it were discovered film or video recordings. The events on screen are typically seen through the camera of one or more of the characters involved, often accompanied by their real-time off-camera commentary. For verisimilitude, the cinematography may be done by the actors themselves as they perform, and shaky camera work and naturalistic acting are routinely employed. The footage may be presented as if it were "raw" and complete, or as if it had been edited into a narrative by those who "found" it. The most common use of the technique is in horror films, where the footage is purported to be the only surviving record of the events, with the participants now missing or dead. It has also been used in comedy (e.g., Babysitting, Project X), and science-fiction &neo 2015-04-01
&neo 2013-09-14
&neo 2013-08-30
The &neo 2013-08-16
The &neo 2015-04-06
The Atlantic - Wikipedia While pretending to be the publication focusing on "foreign affairs, politics, and the economy [as well as] cultural trends", it is now primarily aimed at a target audience of serious national readers and "thought leaders", the magazine derives most of it's revenues from &neo 2017-08-07
Organic Brushing Rinse - Essential Oxygen &neo 2015-03-01
EB Art Search Search the &neo 2015-03-30
So wait a minute...let's make it illegal for whatever reason and then only allow the government to partake and codify it in law. Are these cops using &neo 2014-03-27
For over thirty years this &zerotoinfinity 2013-09-15
The Difference Between Kombucha and Kefir for Health Benefits | Glamour &neo 2018-11-29
&neo 2013-08-24
So the &AaronHolthaus 2013-09-22
&neo 2013-09-27
Hemp Plastic Water Bottles info Hemp Plastic Water Bottles will be a more durable, higher heat tolerable, 100% safe, and biodegradable alternative. What's even more interesting is that this product will have a negative carbon footprint. How many products can say that? The carbon taken in by the plant during its life offsets the carbon produced by the machines making the bottle. &Rob 2015-03-04
OR - expands AND - narrows NOT - reduce irrelevent,'inverter' NAND - AND inversion NOR - OR inversion XOR -If either A OR B is 1, but NOT both, Q is 1 'exclusive or' XNOR - 'exclusive nor' &zerotoinfinity 2013-08-27
&zerotoinfinity 2013-08-27
Trump's Climate Withdrawal Is An Impeachable Offense involving 22 Republican senators When &Rob 2017-06-08
The government is like the nations family according to this page from the book &neo 2013-09-04
I still have no &jaybird 2013-09-02
It's very cool, but I don't see how the $1599 &neo 2014-02-17
Hey &Rob what do you think about reserving &neo 2013-08-25
I believe we may need to develop a high level thought &neo 2013-08-25
Johnson & Johnson Homepage | Johnson & Johnson An Oklahoma judge on Monday ruled against &neo 2019-08-26
Nah, we will eventually see the light and very quickly move towards &AaronHolthaus 2013-09-20
Ogilvy PR Handling Social Media for BP - PRNewser &neo 2013-11-20
Inulin 101 - A prebiotic fiber with powerful health benefits I &neo 2019-08-03
Last week the U.S. House passed multiple pro-oil, anti-environmental pieces of legislation that would, among other things, charge a $5,000 fee in order to file an official &neo 2013-11-28
North Texas Drivers Stopped at Roadblock Asked for Saliva, Blood | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth The &neo 2013-11-20
&neo 2013-10-08
&neo 2013-10-15
non-streak 3" x 7" Inkjet Roll Labels - RL3245 Weatherproof White Matte &Rob 2018-11-29
The way our brain handles remembering to remember something, called &neo 2013-08-19
&Rob 2013-09-26
With Pro you get: Create prezis online Present online or off Mark your prezis private or publish them on Explore Display your own logo Install &neo 2013-09-27
Discourse theory, originating in the work of &neo 2015-04-26
" &AaronHolthaus 2013-10-10
&neo 2015-03-01
35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Discount Ordering Page - Since 1983 &neo 2015-03-01
Radius Networks | Proximity Services for Businesses and Developers Developer Tools &Rob 2014-05-05
ReDeTec - Professional and Innovative 3D printing technology Introducing &neo 2017-12-10
Pedal To The Metal: The $700 rear wheel works in a fashion similar to a &Rob 2014-05-02
Six Months of Despite a long history of &neo 2014-06-30
10 Million Patients And 16 Million Prescriptions Analyzed Aetna provided RxREVU with specialized access to "de-identified" claims How Much Savings Could You Be Generating? The enormous savings we generated didn’t even include all of our recommendations, just the top 100, out of 2000. Our research seeks out inefficiencies and provides several innovative strategies to reduce cost while addressing quality. By offering our research inside your healthcare portal or application, you can generate substantial savings for your users, regardless of whether they’re patients or payers. &Rob 2014-03-12
&neo 2015-02-12
Scientists Show How &neo 2013-09-04
Formation and stability of emulsions using a natural small molecule surfactant Natural &Rob 2015-03-06
Police: Man ate Also in the article we learn he had taken &neo 2014-04-17
Thieves Toothpaste - Edible Dentarome Ultra &neo 2015-02-17
Hell no they do not want the &zerotoinfinity 2013-09-19
&neo 2013-08-27
Temperature dips to 43 below in International Falls, breaking record | Star Tribune Now we know why they changed the &neo 2014-01-06
Empty Lot of 20 tubes that need to be hot sealed. &Rob 2015-03-02
A &neo 2013-12-03
Get your free tickets today to visit the Broad Museum in LA. Grand Avenue in &Rob 2015-10-02
150,000 year old pipes raises questions in China and creates a place of mystery can it be built by &Rob 2014-08-21
Really enjoy seeing/hearing about this organized assembly by citizens of the US! "Traditionally, the average &zerotoinfinity 2013-09-14
ThinkGeek :: Gold-Plated Tungsten Carbide One Ring This is on the list of recommended &Rob 2014-02-03
&neo 2015-02-17
Yea or Nay: Prada Fall 2014 Shoes | Tom & Lorenzo Fabulous & Opinionated I am feeling all the &DianaPrince 2014-03-05
TOMODO's Technology acts as a smart real time &neo 2015-04-05
The In the Native archeologist in the end of 2008 year announced about the discovering of Ukrainian Stonehenge. Prehistoric stone sculptures were found near the village Snidavka in the Ivano-Frankovsk region. The archeologists knew about the rare sculptures in the mountains. However any kind of research here was forbidden during the Soviet time because a lot of military objects were located in this area. And when the ban had been canceled there was no money for research. The research was renewed only a few years ago. According to a theory the stones were brought to this place by a Scandinavian glacier. Another hypothesis tells us that these stone are the remains of ancient mountains, destroyed by the same glacier. Today the modern forms of these stones have appeared as a result of eolation during the course of the last twenty thousand years or so. &Rob 2014-03-03
&DianaPrince 2013-10-28
Arriving and departing container ships as seen from &Rob 2014-03-31
With the New Gmail, People Will Know When You Open That Message Good to know about &Rob 2014-01-17
10 Worst Weed Myths Debunked in 4 Minutes & 20 Seconds - YouTube Happy &neo 2017-04-20
MaxResistance Round Table 7/22/2014 - Special Guests Anthony Antonello & Marc Stevens - Yo The difference between &neo 2014-07-25
MAN CREATES After suffering a &neo 2016-02-02
&neo 2016-04-22
&neo 2016-04-07
Continuous liquid interface production technology (CLIP) eliminates current shortcomings in By carefully balancing the interaction of At the heart of the CLIP process is a special window that is transparent to light and permeable to oxygen, much like a contact lens. By controlling the oxygen flux through the window, CLIP creates a 'dead zone' in the resin pool just tens of microns thick (about 2-3 diameters of a red blood cell) where photopolymerization cannot occur. &Rob 2015-03-18
Inspiring Not the first time we are seeing these methods but this time it is really a &Rob 2014-03-03
&neo 2015-06-13
The absurdity of Evolution and completely insane Cosmology - Who's really "stupid" here? - &neo 2019-09-02
BP Pays PR Trolls to Threaten Online Critics | Interview with Dahr Jamail - YouTube &neo 2013-11-20
&neo 2013-09-24
&neo 2013-10-19
&neo 2015-07-25
SEX & Defecation: The Last Two Private Acts in a Surveillance Society - YouTube Have we traded &neo 2016-06-10
&neo 2013-10-06
Increase Customer Loyalty with Mobile Context Awareness An app for natural fruit/vegetable juices, developed by Total Communicator Solutions, integrates &Rob 2014-05-01
&neo 2014-04-17
Just Say "Merry Christmas" - YouTube &neo 2016-12-02
Prince playing piano over ' This is a good impression of what I remember hearing at the end of the show when I saw &Rob 2016-05-01
"Creep" - Prince at Coachella 2008 (Uploaded via Permission from Radiohead & NPG Music Pub &neo 2016-05-02
&neo 2013-08-19
A &neo 2014-09-09
Day 4: Do you need a probiotic? - YouTube Should one seek to consume &neo 2018-10-04
Prince at Lopez Tonight - YouTube &neo 2016-04-22
There are some recent news articles that proclaim that Hemp cars and the hemp plastics they're are made from are the future! and here is Henry Ford in 1941 striking his with a sledgehammer without effect as it is 10x tougher than steel. We have been played ! by big oil and the steel industry titans and their puppets in the government. Enough of this &neo 2015-03-04
Live Soundcheck: Summertime - Prince at the piano, September 2, 1990 - Nishinomiya, Japan This video of &Rob 2016-06-03
Meet DJI's newest technologies that enable you to create something that will revolutionize the world. The Matrice 100 is a fully &neo 2015-07-06