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2 comments on sbnation.com/london-olympics-2012/2012/8/1/3213875/with-rule-40-greedy-ioc-shows-it-cares-more-about-its-sponsors-than

With 'Rule 40,' Greedy IOC Shows It Cares More About Its Sponsors Than Olympic Athletes - SBNation.com

by the British historian #LordActon: "Power tends to corrupt and absolute #power #corrupts absolutely ...especially when it comes to those managing the bread and circuses designed and manifested to distract the slaves... &neo
&neo 2014-02-05 21:08:22

With 'Rule 40,' Greedy IOC Shows It Cares More About Its Sponsors Than Olympic Athletes

You can either have the best #athletes in the world or you can have amateurism, but you can't have it both ways. The #IOC is not only trying to have it both ways, but they are profiting off of what has become a $6 billion industry on the backs of the athletes, who essentially compete for free.

The #Olympics have some of the same stringent rules regarding pre-publication of the #architecture by the actual #architect.
&Rob 2014-02-05 20:30:35