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2 comments on youtube.com/embed/5Se8IeMPdq0

Meet the real Matrix Morpheus of today /Tricks & Traps part 1 Mark Christopher - YouTube

Tricks and Traps they use in the #CourtSystem . In order to navigate through properly, you need to change the way you think and communicate and see the #EnglishLanguage . this could be perceived as being a #RedPill lecture . The world is not at all as it seems.
&neo 2017-08-25 18:06:04

Meet the real Matrix Morpheus of today /Tricks & Traps part 1 Mark Christopher - YouTube

Tricks and Traps they use in the #CourtSystem . In order to navigate through properly, you need to change the way you think and communicate and see the #EnglishLanguage . this could be perceived as being a #RedPill lecture . The world is not at all as it seems.
&neo 2017-08-25 18:04:50