Now this here I like reading about. No way I would have guessed there to be 575,000 bridges in the US either! The #us_infrastructure is a scary situation for the country. &zerotoinfinity 2013-09-02 23:46:29 |
Thanks for the info &neo 2013-09-02 19:23:39 |
#Earthquakes have caused bridge collapses in the #U.S #Japan #Taiwan #China #Chile #Turkey and elsewhere. This #technology is amazing. Although the cost to retrofit most of the bridges in these #earthquake_zones would be substantial. The years they would add to bridges would be huge. Not only the lives that would be saved, but also the ability for #emergency_crews to still utilize bridges to get where they are needed is crucial. #Amazing_tech #jaybird &jaybird 2013-09-02 19:11:36 |