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2 comments on hollywoodreporter.com/news/hunger-games-catching-fire-sparks-659547

'Hunger Games: Catching Fire' Sparks Online Political Debate (Video) - The Hollywood Reporter

#DonaldSutherland also states .. the #TeaParty doesn’t look at Barack #Obama as a #dictator ; they look at Barack Obama as a #black man in the White House …That’s what generates their hatred.” He makes it sound like its a #racial thing because he's desperately trying to hold onto the dream that Obama is the savior of the #Marxist left and that any opposition surely cannot be due to his #Tyrannical and #Despotic overreach.
&neo 2013-11-26 02:11:27

'#HungerGames: #CatchingFire' Sparks Online Political Debate (Video) - The Hollywood Reporter

#DonaldSutherland, who plays President Snow, hopes the movie will "stir up a revolution." Be careful what you wish for.
&Rob 2013-11-25 00:48:54