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2 comments on youtube.com/embed/KJEJUGz1ReE

Long Lost Nikola Tesla Drawings Reveal Map To Multiplication - YouTube

One of the comments underneath the vid may be worth taking a look at in more detail .. 42, 432, 216, 666, 3, 6, 9, 12, 144...all related...Like this.... 42 is the "answer to everything" in Hitchhiker's guide. It could mean fortitude in a sense of wording and the rest is just simple math. One noticeable number relating to 42 is the 42 Kemet Laws of Ma'at. A philosophical reference. 42 is the exact center of 4 consecutive primes numbers 37, 41, 43, 47. These primes are separated by 4, 2 and 4 as we see 37+4=41+2=43+4=47. 42 forward AND backward. The "mirror." When the primes are added, you get 37+41+43+47=168. 42x4=168 or the average of those 4 numbers. If you reverse 42, you get 24. From there, you derive the value 144. 2+4=6 24x6 is 144. 24/2=12 and 12x12 is also 144. 12 is important. 12 numbers on a clock, 12 signs of the zodiak, 12 disciples...etc... 168/144= the square root (1.272) of phi (~1.618), or the "golden ratio" (~1.618) reflected by 2 being the square root of 4. Again, 4 and 2. This is encoded in the pyramid of giza. If a 2 dimensional drawing of Giza is split into two 90 degree triangles you can derive that If 1.272 (the square root of PHI) would be the height, 51.83 degrees (the slope angle of Giza) and the slope length=1.618 or PHI, it would give you a base value of 1 in ye old Pythagorean Theorem. PHI is THE ONLY NUMBER that can be squared and equal EXACTLY itself plus 1 and as we know, phi is encoded into this existence everywhere in nature. Further in.... 42 forward/backward is directly related to 432 which is one of the most sacred numbers. Tesla said the key to understanding the universe was 3,6,9. He was right. 42 is also important. This shows a bit of that, too. like 42x3=126 1+2+6=9, 42x6=252, 2+5+2=9 42x9=378 then 3+7=10, 1+0+8=9 (108 will pop up again later, another interesting number...) and...in a circle 360 degrees, 3+6+0=9. 1/2 of 360=180, 1+8+0=9, 1/2 of 180=90, 9+0=9, 1/2 of 90=45, 4+5=9...etc... Every 1/2 will ALWAYS equal 9.... works in both directions. 360x2=720, 7+2+0=9, 360x3=1080, 1+0+8+0=9 360x4=1440, 1+4+4+0=9 etc.... Now, back to 42 and 432 and their relationship to 3,6,9 and 360 and 6, 66 and 666. Follow along... adding 42+24=66 66+24=90 (degrees in a right triangle) 90x4=360 90x2=180 66+42=108 108x4=432 108x2=216 216 or 6x6x6 Notes: 42x66=2772, 2+7+7+2=18, 1+8=9 24x66=1584, 1+5+8+4=18, 1+8=9 9+9 of course...18 subtracting 42-24=18=6+6+6 24x18=432 216=6 cubed or 6x6x6 216x2=432 432/3=144 432/2=216 432x432=186,624 or the speed of light in miles/second 144x1000=the speed of light expressed as 144,000 minutes of arc/sec 432,432 miles=radius of the sun 23,400=circumference of the earth at the equator 234 reversed is 432, 23,400 is 234x(100) + 432(100)=666 (100) 21,600=circumference of the earth at the Pyramid of Giza 2160=circumference of the moon and the circumference of the earth's core Related to a circle 12x360 degrees=4320 or 432x10 360/12=30 4320/30=144 The earth has a 23.4 degree tilt. 23.4 + 66.6 (23.4+66.6=90 degrees). 66.6 is the slope angle on the pyramid on the $1 bill. 23.4 reversed is 43.2 23.4 + 43.2=66.6 432 is also the original sacred solfeggio "A4" in hertz. 440, the standard of A4 tuning today, is a ruse creating disharmony. 432 4+3+2=9 9x9=81 1/81 = 0.12345678 8/81= 0.98765432 9/81= 0.111111111 987654321x9 = 8888888889 123456789x 9 = 1111111101"i>>?
&neo 2016-05-26 01:21:50

Long Lost #NikolaTesla Drawings Reveal Map To Multiplication - YouTube

This video look at a supposed lost Tesla diagram about the 12x spiral seems to be a fabricated story to draw attention to the findings of this Arizona mathematician . http://mobaction.com/hoaxing-the-12x-spiral-and-tesla/
&neo 2016-05-26 01:21:08