The relevance of theobromine for the beneficial effects of cocoa consumption Apart from the high content of antioxidants, solid evidence points to methylxanthines as key players in the beneficial effects. #Caffeine has been classically considered with higher potential than other #methylxanthines. Recent studies have highlighted the potential of theobromine, which may act as antitumoral, anti-inflammatory or cardiovascular protector molecule without the undesirable side effects described for caffeine. The main mechanisms of action of #theobromine are inhibition of phosphodiesterases and blockade of adenosine receptors but, interestingly, it exhibits other important adenosine receptor-independent effects as the reduction of cellular oxidative stress or regulation of gene expression. In this sense, theobromine could be considered a safe and #NaturalAlternative in the treatment of some human #diseases and may serve as lead compound for the development of novel #drugs &neo 2020-02-10 00:29:21 |