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1 comment on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C_megadosage

#Vitamin_C_megadosage is a term describing the consumption or injection of vitamin C (ascorbate) in doses comparable to the amounts produced by the livers of most other mammals. Such dosages correspond to amounts well beyond the current Dietary Reference Intake. Oral dosages are usually divided and consumed in portions over the day. Injections of hundreds of grams per day are advocated by some physicians for the treatment of certain conditions, poisonings, or recovery from trauma. People who practice vitamin C megadosage may consume many vitamin C pills throughout each day or dissolve pure vitamin C crystals in water or juice and drink it throughout the day. Vitamin C megadoses are claimed by alternative medicine advocates including Matthias Rath and Patrick Holford to have effects on diseases such as cancer and AIDS,but there isn't conclusive scientific evidence to back these claims. Some trials show some effect in combination with other therapies, but this does not imply vitamin C megadoses in themselves have therapeutic effect.
&neo 2013-08-19 13:00:59