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4 comments on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chitauri

Would never have guessed the #population_estimate of the #Zulu Tribe to over ten million.. Wow #annana (great word)!
&AaronHolthaus 2013-09-30 01:19:51

The Zulu tribe in Africa has a word in their ancient language for shapeshifter - annana
&neo 2013-09-29 16:42:35

#shapeshifters have been a part of history across many different cultures. Some far out stuff here..thanks for posting.
&AaronHolthaus 2013-09-29 01:50:57

According to this article, the #Marvel_Comics #Chitauri reptilian creatures are the fictional creation of #Mark_Millar and #Bryan_Hitch , however #Credo_Mutwa a #Zulu Shaman gave to us via #David_Icke the #Chitauri story about the real #reptilian overlords of earth who genetically engineered man to be their slaves . #Plagiarism
&neo 2013-09-28 15:26:54