With the #consensus we can both refer back to the agreement and supporting argumentation if we need to .. &Morpheus 2013-08-12 12:23:22 |
..AND you get to have fun with the ligature .. &Morpheus 2013-08-12 12:12:17 |
I like it a lot! #consensus &&Rob 2013-08-12 12:00:24 |
Last letter...last word .. ;) &Morpheus 2013-08-12 11:39:02 |
so to me it is another representation of lost knowledge...it was regarded as the last letter of the english alphabet at one time ! perfect.. &Morpheus 2013-08-12 11:36:14 |
The ampersand often appeared as a letter at the end of the Latin alphabet, as for example in Byrhtferð's list of letters from 1011.[10] Similarly, & was regarded as the 27th letter of the English alphabet, as used by children (in the USA). An example may be seen in M. B. Moore's 1863 book The Dixie Primer, for the Little Folks.[11] In her 1859 novel Adam Bede, George Eliot refers to this when she makes Jacob Storey say: "He thought it [Z] had only been put to finish off th' alphabet like; though ampusand would ha' done as well, for what he could see ...fascinationg #$ & 2013-08-12 11:34:45 |
logogram & 2013-08-12 11:33:42 |
i'm leaning more towards the & .. we can make this logoram ours... & 2013-08-12 11:33:13 |
An ampersand (or epershand) is a logogram "&" representing the conjunction word "and" ..logogram...hmmm... & 2013-08-12 11:25:30 |