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2 comments on beveragefactory.com/homebrew/fermentation/blichmann-fermenator-capacity-ext-14-26.html?gclid=CjwKCAiAz7TfBRAKEiwAz8fKOHaNXDM81tH7cppSMpd0Ik70eCcZ4NYMgv9c88E7hYo5FFaxoUwQXhoCgJ0QAvD_BwE

Blichmann 14.5 to 26 Gallon Fermenator Capacity Extension | BeverageFactory.com

Model:F3-14-26-EXT This one expands the 14.5 gallon Fermenator to a 26 gallon capacity fermentor
&neo 2018-11-16 00:02:26

#Blichmann 14.5 to 26 Gallon Fermenator Capacity Extension | BeverageFactory.com

#ConicalFermenter extension for #JoonJuice project
&neo 2018-11-16 00:01:54